Disrupt Your Normal

Reignite Innovation and Creativity

Once upon a time we all knew how to dream, to think creatively, to ignore structure in the pursuit of different. Then we grew up. As adults, we find openminded thought difficult in a world full of systems, processes, procedures, rules, and traditions. We try to imagine, to envision a world that’s better, different, but after so many years of obedience to the norms of stability and risk mitigation, we get frustrated and stop trying.

The Universe Abhores Stasis

Challenge the Status Quo and Reinvent the Future

Experimentation is the way we test what we think we know, what we think is real. This includes running tried and true methods, formulas, processes, and strategies through a rigorous and honest reassessment. Stability is an illusion, the universe is constantly changing and if you don’t know this already, it’s time to recognize this simple truth. Don’t try to contain or maintain, seek a better future through intellectual humility and honesty.

Get Ready

Accelerate Your Mind, Your Team, Your World

Leaders and managers are overworked, stressed, and always running out of time. Much of this modern reality is caused by living in a reactive world. We hope nothing changes, we hope the competition takes a break, and we hope what we are doing is good enough to last forever. Well, that’s not the way of the world. It moves and it moves fast. It doesn’t wait for you to catch up. Reacting guarantees you will always be a step behind. It’s time to accelerate your mind to keep pace with reality. It’s time to think about the future, plan for the future, and execute in preparation for the future!


How We Can Make a Strategic Diffference in the Way You Think

Reigniting innovation and creativity are about achieving a mindset that accepts the absurd, the ridiculous, and the oblique. It’s not about changing the mind you have, but about using your mind the way it was designed to be used. BEST MindLab can help you learn how to leverage your mind by delivering carefully tailored transformational experiences.        

Design-Build Challenge

Teams receive instructions with limits, restrictions, and objectives. They design, build, and then compete against other teams on the same terms. Emphasis is on collaboration, team building, solution design, and rapid prototyping.

Creativity Crucible

Teams are given a critical creative challenge to address with limited time to execute. Stress factors are injected including sleep deprivation, team member reassignments, changing assumptions, and more.

Leadership Challenge

A wide range of possible scenarios are available to clients so they can customize and focus on limited key or critical leadership soft skills. These in turn drive the context and structure of the experience to achieve leader breakthroughs and open minds to new possibilities. Can be conducted individually or in teams.

Innovation Accelerator

A series of rapid challenges requiring the participant or team to gather data, analyze/assess the data, make assumptions based on the data, and then design a solution. Time is used to create stress and to break down institutional norms of behavior such as hierarchies, risk mitigation as a goal, overly formal communications techniques, and authority archetypes.

Thought Leadership

A Case For Divergent Thinking

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Get In Touch

Marty Strong
[email protected]

Michael Steiner

[email protected]